2. Add a New Post

2. Add a New Post

Create New Post

  1. Select “Add” button in the list of Bulletin Board

  1. Input “ subject” and “ contents”

→ For the detailed info, please refer to the explanation



  • Only image files are allowed for “file upload”. Max image size to upload is 1MB to 5MB, adjustable by the configuration.

    • In case that the value is set to 1 MB, below warning message shows up when uploaded over 1MB image.

  • A post contents size limit is 2MB to 10MB, this option is also adjustable by the configuration.

  • If exceeded 2MB while adding or editing a post, then “Save” button will be gray(Disabled), invalid state as below

    • Notice will be shown up mouse hover on “Save” button, “MaxSize Limit Exceeded (2MB)” as below.

Issue Key Auto-Detect & Link

Writing Issue Key in the body of content, the Issue key will be auto linked to actual issue.

  1. Write a issue key in a Post

  1. Once a post is saved, then the issue key is automatically linked to the actual issue key

  1. Click it, then move to actual issue view

[Note] If the issue key does not exist, then the link will lead to dead-link, 404 Error.