3. Edit a Post and Comment

3. Edit a Post and Comment

Edit a Post

  1. Select a Post that you added

  2. You can see as below

  1. By pressing a Edit button, able to go Edit mode

→ Edit “subject”, “body of contents” , after that, “Save” it

  1. If you are not writer but project member, you can see as below

→ “Notice (Pin to Top)” and “Save and Delete” are not allowed


Add a comment

  1. Any member can add a comment if you got a permission for the project

    1. Once adding or editing a comment mode, you cannot edit or delete body of contents.

    2. On the other way, while editing a contents of Post, you cannot add or edit a comment.

  1. If you are not the ower of comment, you just view the comment. Not able to edit or delete

    1. Only Project lead can edit or delete all posts in project bulletin board

  2. You can write freely and also add images same as body contents of post.

Edit and Delete : Only for writer(Edit & Delete) & system administrator(Delete) have a permission to control.